YOU-MANS was born as a path of mindfulness and as a summary of what we've been experiencing over these last few decades. We dearly care about two dates, 2007 and 2020.
2007: the year of acceleration
Everything or slightly less than that happen during this fateful year. The iPhone is born, YouTube is purchased by Google, Twitter and Facebook become global phenomena, Android is born, IBM creates Watson, its Artificial Intelligence division, AirB&B is launched. Everything accelerates.
2020: the year of mindfulness
We live in a mask, we must stay away. A trauma, but not only that. We have more time to be mindful and think about ourselves, to wonder on the meaning and value of our relationships. To think about what we are and what we want to be.

Technology promises us to help save some time, but on closer inspection, it is indeed time that has become a luxury item today, because everything accelerates.
Thus, let's try and talk about "time earned" and ask ourselves a question. What should we do with it? Gaining time is an opportunity if we invest it in something that helps us grow.
YOU-MANS was born around this universe of challenges, opportunities and humanity.
In YOU-MANS we create paths for wondering about the themes of creativity, change, well-being and learning. We tell stories which help us change, through emotions.
We don't want to save time or even lose it.
This is because today our tomorrow is being built. Today Builds Tomorrow.